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Future-Proofing Electrical Systems: The Importance of Energised Inspections at Extreme Conditions & Trend Analysing Each Years Data to Make Intelligent Decisions Regarding Safety & Reliability.


Updated: Jan 9

MET Group Technical complete for a second year a MET Group Sonic Trace Inspection to the LV Panels & Air CIrcuit Breakers at our valued clients, Newcolds freezer building in Wakefield.

The temperature drops to -25 Celsius which is a challenge but with the robust safety systems of Newcolds temperature working the work was completed with zero hitches.

This particular site we fixed wire tested and completed a MET Group Sonic Trace inspection in 2023. We now have the data to trend analysis the information to compare with the Energised Inspection carried out in 2024.

As well as any hidden early stages of a future and possible bigger issue there were pre-thermal & thermal inspections/ data collected along with testing for electrical incoming power quality anomalies coming from and going back down the National Grid Network from the electrical infrastructure.

With all the data collected & sound file signatures from the electrical assets will allow us to have the most current intelligent data to determine if there are any hidden anomalies or natural or premature ageing of electrical assets within the electrical infrastructure.

Loss of power at one of the biggest freezers in the UK would not just mean the lights don’t operate so we are always available to rectify any issues if needed.

The results will be inputted into our purpose built software to obtain the intelligence for us to provide predicted future data and to advise of any electrical asset and then if required we can carry out maintenance and inspect any HV and LV asset.

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