MET Group Technical is a leader in the UK and Europe for non-invasive energised inspections and safe live operations.
Thermographic Inspections
Getting the best from Infrared Thermography
We know that when temperature variations occur and are visible to the camera that the actual problem area and source of the thermal energy is going to be exponentially higher at the source, and the camera is “seeing” only a portion of the total.
It is an elementary requirement and an industry-accepted standard that to effectively perform infrared services on energised electrical equipment, it must be under normal load and operating conditions. Normal, admittedly, is defined as having the covers and dead fronts installed.
However, from a maintenance and service standpoint, accuracy and precision must be the focus of our objectives and this can only be achieved by the safe removal each and every time, of both panel and dead front covers on electrical equipment.
This is an imperative to ensure your preventative maintenance programmes do not overlook potentially critical issues and cause customers to experience unscheduled outages and equipment damage.
In order to get the best return from your investment in Infrared Thermography it is important that …
Safety permitting, all covers must be removed to provide a direct line-of-sight to electrical connections.
The person removing covers and ‘dead fronts’ must be QUALIFIED and familiar with the construction & hazards of the equipment.
He/she also MUST wear the appropriate arc flash and shock protective equipment based on the risk associated with the task.
Because connection temperature rises exponentially with current flow, subtle issues can NOT be ignored,